Given the statistics of the increased LTDD cases (Leptospirosis, Typhoid fever, Diarrhea & Dengue fever) for areas located within the Cakaudrove province as provided to the Council by the Ministry of Health. A joint initiative was conducted with the Savusavu Health office to combat this for areas within the municipality that were included in the statistics. The exercise was done with intervals of months as required and equipment such as mist blowers and fogger machines were used for efficiency.
With the normalization and reduction of COVID-19 requirements for the country. A litter prevention training workshop was conducted by the Ministry of Environment for municipalities in the Northern division to train officers to enforce the Litter Act 2008. The workshop was met with positivity and a handful of officers (7) of the Council are now Litter Prevention officers (LPO) and are now able to carry forth litter prevention.
In conducting a clean-up campaign within the municipality; the Council was able to involve a number of youth groups and local business proprietors to help assist with the collection of waste generated from the campaign that consisted of a mixture of green-waste and white-good e.g., faulty electrical appliances etc. For within the term, two (2) clean-up campaigns were conducted respectively by the Council for which residents were able to dispose of their waste more conveniently and proper.
A tree-planting initiative was proposed by Fiji’s fruit & Agroforestry Expo 2022; ‘Green-up the Blue Town Savusavu’. Whereby the objectives of the overall project were to increase the participation of youth along with the public; introducing the importance and numerous usages of trees. Whilst directly combating climate change and further beautifying the township. The Council was able to assist along with the Ministry of Agriculture & Ministry of Forestry on the above project; aiding in the plating of over 100 trees comprising of native coastal trees, small fruit and ornamental trees. The trees were carefully selected accordingly and planted at various locations within the township. Moving forth, the Council intends to monitor the growth of the trees and further engage other organizations/departments with green initiatives in the future.
With the continuation of the collaboration on attaining baseline data and introducing practices on solid waste management across the municipals in Fiji with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the JPRISM II initiative. The council was able to work with solid waste management experts in improving methods of data collection and implementing certain statistical approaches which has been imperative in producing the data required by the Council which could lead to further advancements in this field.
In the pursuit of the expansion of garbage collection areas slightly out of the municipal boundary; the Council was able to implement collection of garbage within the Korovesi and Cousteau corridor to deter residents from improper garbage disposal and provide services through grants provided by the Government in this accord. Prior to the implementation of this, officers were presently active in the field creating awareness to the residents and encouraging proper garbage disposal methods. Given the positive feedback from this, the Council would further like to pursue further extension to other areas and possible facilitation in the near future.
One of the actions carried out in relation to the solid waste management for Savusavu; the Council was able to erect a handful of garbage collection racks within areas slightly out of the municipality the pursuit of the expansion. Along with the re-construction of the existing collection racks in areas within the municipal to further be able to withhold its intended usage.
Savusavu Town Council | Verevere Road, Savusavu | P.O.Box 201 Savusavu
P: +679 885 0261 | F: +679 885 0872 | E:
Savusavu Town Council © 2022. All Rights Reserved