Health & Safety

Health & Environment Department

The health and environment department for the Council are merged into one continuing from the previous year as issues and matters relating; closely corresponds with one another and due to the department being comprised of the health inspector and the Environment/Building officer.
The merged department is predominately responsible for the health and environmental aspects that the council is involved in for examples; solid waste management, health & business licenses with the inclusion of hotel and liquor licenses and other aspects whereby services are provided respectively to the Savusavu ratepayers and the public also.

A few of the recognizable activities carried out by the Department within the year [August, 2021- July, 2022] are as follows:

Attending to Health, Building & Environmental Issues

The department was predominately occupied throughout the year; attending to health, building and environmental issues raised through complaints received from ratepayers, concerned residents, the general public, organizations and businesses to name a few. The complaints ranged and differed across; however, they were able to be categorized into sub-topics and into commonly received issues as depicted in the below chart.

Business Registration Survey

With the continuation of the business license regiment of 2020; current businesses were not required to attain a business license. Therefore, in light of this business registration certificates were surveyed throughout the township respectively to ensure businesses were in compliance. The data produced during this survey was essential in not only determining businesses that were not in compliance however but resulting in the appropriate course of action by the Council to deter such practices.

License Renewals & New applications

With the requirement of inspections and production of reports for Health licenses, Hotel licenses and liquor licenses. The department carried out numerous inspections for business proprietors within the municipality boundary. Ensuring that all applications were thoroughly checked with a fine comb and up to health standard requirements. With all individual applications received by the Council; applicants were assisted in a timely manner and encouraged to further withhold standards. To further, affirm this the Council also further preceded to carry out impromptu inspections post issuance of the licenses respectively.

Town Map View

Savusavu Town Council     |     Verevere Road, Savusavu     |     P.O.Box 201 Savusavu

P: +679 885 0261     |     F: +679 885 0872      |     E:

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