
A Brief History of our Town

Being proclaimed to be a town in 1969, the Savusavu Town was then declared to be a town in 1973 with the leadership of the then Town Clerk Mr. M I Yusuf who served till June 1978. Mr. Vimal Prasad was then appointed as Town Clerk who served for a period for 24 years and soon after his resignation Mr. Dharmendra Lal took over this position who was later appointed as a Justice of the Peace and elected as the Chief Executive Officer, who served the council for twenty-five (25) years till 2018. The present Chief executive Officer Mrs. Seema Shiwani Dutt came into leadership from 2018 till to date. The Savusavu Town Council management despite the odds have managed to be proud of how the town has become and willing to bring more development in years to come.

Town Map View

Savusavu Town Council     |     Verevere Road, Savusavu     |     P.O.Box 201 Savusavu

P: +679 885 0261     |     F: +679 885 0872      |     E: ssvtowncouncil@connect.com.fj

Savusavu Town Council © 2022. All Rights Reserved